Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sunday Best

Sunday Best

A picture before church. Doesn't happen often as we are always running late. Behold last Sunday we were a little ahead of schedule so I took some time to snap pictures. Of course the pictures made us right, and I mean right on time for church. With every child I seem to lose 5 minutes. Before Mya I arrived everywhere 15 minutes early. Now on my fourth, I am 5 minutes late to everything. Maybe we should stop with four.

This is a little dress I sewed for Mya. It originally had a chicken hat to go with it, but I can no longer find it. Surprising what makes you sad sometimes.

Mirror image of his Dad at this age. I love it. Unfortunately he inherited his mothers neck. He can't have anything even slightly constricting on it. Usually a tie lasts 10 minutes. I hope they relax the dress standard when he is ready for a mission.

Anna has the best smile. It carries even to her eyes.

Made the mistake of commenting on Mya's brace smile. Now we are not getting real smiles, just fake brace covered smiles. Ophs.

1 comment:

  1. Braces already? Ouch on the budget. Your kids look so beautiful!
