Sunday, February 14, 2010

Science Muesum was a REAL BLAST of a SIREN!

We went to the Science museum. Grant found a "computer" he thought was so cool. Mya and Anna went to town on the magnet building stuff. Nora as usual with a big smile on her face. The day was fun and all went without a hitch, until Anna told Grant not to pull a fire alarm. Of course there was a bench underneath it and by climbing on the bench the alarm was in arms length. Grant is really good at not listening to Anna and proceeded to pull the alarm. Grant didn't even know what it was, just that it need to be pulled, because Anna told him not to. I was just turning towards him when the sirens started to blare. Jeff was outside, bringing the van around to load to go home. As he entered the building, I watched his expression as he entered the building, heard the sirens, and came to the conclusion of what had happened all in about 5 seconds. The fire department responded within one minute and the girls and I got a up close look at two very shiny fire engines. The good part about it, as Jeff and Grant waited to talk to Museum personnel and firemen, Jeff struck up a conversation with a man who's battery was dead. We we able to help him jump his truck and save him time and money. All in a days work, that is all I have to say. Oh and they shouldn't put benches under fire alarms.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah so glad you are blogging, What an adventure at the sceince center, glad you didn't get into any trouble and it all worked out. I am happy to finally feel like I in the loop with your life with your blog.
